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· Silence is Golden “Speech is silver, but silence is golden!” said William Shakespeare. How right he was! There is no doubt that the gift of speech bestowed on human beings is a unique one, and the ability to talk well a useful talent, but just as gold is more valuable than silver, so too, the ability to keep quiet · speech is silver, but silence is golden Source: The Oxford Dictionary of Phrase and Fable Author(s): Elizabeth KnowlesElizabeth Knowles. proverbial saying, mid 19th But Silence is Golden. ‘When you have the speech of excellence, The better and better you teach. When you have the power of silence, The higher and higher you reach! ’ It is a fact that when we speak, others become silent and when others speak, we become silent. But it’s always upon us that what we choose- ‘speech’ or ‘silence’
Speech Is Silver but Silence Is Gold
· Essay on Silence is Golden. An age old proverb goes which determines the essence of silence in our lives. Silence is golden and the words you speak or communicate are actually silver. The notion of silence is underestimated and often it’s importance is not understood in one’s life Speech Is Silver but Silence Is Golden Keelhauls Speech is Silver, But Silence is Golden. When you have the speech of excellence, The better and better you teach. When you have the power of silence, The higher and higher you reach” It is a fact that when we speak, others become silent and when others speak, we become silent. Don’t waste timeEstimated Reading Time: 3 mins · Speech Is Silver but Silence Is Gold. Time and again, we are reminded that a certain individual has delivered a perfect speech! The speaker is often applauded and praised. For speeches delivered at conferences, seminars, at university lectures and other official cases, they require adequate preparation and detailed proofreading
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Speech Is Silver and Silence Is Gold. Speech is silver and silence is Gold Since ancient time‚ silence is worshipped as an important component of spiritual discipline. Initially‚ the practice of this virtue may commence with some three hours of silence at noon time‚ say on Sunday or any other suitable day Speech Is Silver but Silence Is Golden Keelhauls Speech is Silver, But Silence is Golden. When you have the speech of excellence, The better and better you teach. When you have the power of silence, The higher and higher you reach” It is a fact that when we speak, others become silent and when others speak, we become silent. Don’t waste timeEstimated Reading Time: 3 mins Speech is silver but silence is golden. Expansion of Ideas School & College Section. This is a wise old proverb, the truth of which can never be doubted or underestimated. It simply means that the value of our words can be compared to that of silver, but

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· Speech Is Silver but Silence Is Gold Time and again, we are reminded that a certain individual has delivered a perfect speech! The speaker is often applauded and praised. For speeches delivered at conferences, seminars, at university lectures and other official cases, they require adequate preparation and detailed proofreading Speech Is Silver but Silence Is Golden Keelhauls Speech is Silver, But Silence is Golden. When you have the speech of excellence, The better and better you teach. When you have the power of silence, The higher and higher you reach” It is a fact that when we speak, others become silent and when others speak, we become silent. Don’t waste timeEstimated Reading Time: 3 mins Speech is silver but silence is golden. Expansion of Ideas School & College Section. This is a wise old proverb, the truth of which can never be doubted or underestimated. It simply means that the value of our words can be compared to that of silver, but
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But Silence is Golden. ‘When you have the speech of excellence, The better and better you teach. When you have the power of silence, The higher and higher you reach! ’ It is a fact that when we speak, others become silent and when others speak, we become silent. But it’s always upon us that what we choose- ‘speech’ or ‘silence’ · Silence is Golden “Speech is silver, but silence is golden!” said William Shakespeare. How right he was! There is no doubt that the gift of speech bestowed on human beings is a unique one, and the ability to talk well a useful talent, but just as gold is more valuable than silver, so too, the ability to keep quiet · Essay on Silence is Golden. An age old proverb goes which determines the essence of silence in our lives. Silence is golden and the words you speak or communicate are actually silver. The notion of silence is underestimated and often it’s importance is not understood in one’s life
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